Cloud Application Integration (On-Premises) : Administering CloudStreams : Overview : About CloudStreams : The CloudStreams Analytics Dashboard
The CloudStreams Analytics Dashboard
CloudStreams can publish key performance indicator (KPI) metrics and run-time events to the CloudStreams Analytics dashboard. The dashboard enables you to view and analyze the KPI metrics and run-time events of your CloudStreams connectors, cloud connector services and consumers.
The Software AG MashZone based CloudStreams Analytics dashboard is deprecated from the 9.10 release.
The dashboard is powered by a MashApp called CloudStreams Analytics, which is powered by Software AG MashZone. CloudStreams Analytics uses data feeds from Software AG MashZone and uses the Integration Server's JDBC connection pool to publish this data at regular intervals.
The dashboard displays the following analytic views:
Filtered by...
Cloud Connector Performance Summary (performance and availability)
N/A; shows all connectors.
Cloud Connector API Usage (total requests and data volume)
Provider and time period.
Cloud Connector Performance (performance trends)
Provider and time period.
Cloud Connector Error (error trends by provider and consumer)
Provider and time period.
Cloud Connector Service Level Agreement (SLA) violations and alerts, shown by consumer and provider.
Provider and time period.
Service (performance)
Provider, connector and time period.
Transaction (event results of request transactions)
Provider, connector, service,event type and time period.
The types of run-time events that can be published are as follows:
Event Type
A Lifecyle event occurs each time the Integration Server is started/shutdown/restarted or the WmCloudStreams package is unloaded/reloaded in a running Integration Server.
A Transaction event occurs each time a cloud connector service is invoked (successfully or unsuccessfully).
An Error event occurs each time an invocation of a cloud connector service or an inbound virtual service results in an error.
Policy Violation
A Policy Violation event occurs each time an invocation of a cloud connector service violates a policy that was set for its associated virtual service.
CloudStreams publishes key performance indicator (KPI) metrics, such as the average response time, fault count and availability of all connectors and connector services.
Copyright © 2015- 2017 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany. (Innovation Release)

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