Cloud Application Integration (On-Premises) : Administering CloudStreams : Overview : About CloudStreams : Cloud Connector Services
Cloud Connector Services
A cloud connector service is an Integration Server service that CloudStreams uses to integrate an "on-premise" application with a SaaS application.
The number of cloud connector services you should create depends on the following:
*For a SOAP-based provider, you should create at least one cloud connector service for each desired operation defined in the provider’s WSDL. For example, for a query operation you might create a cloud connector service to query accounts and another to query contacts.
*For a REST-based provider, you should create at least one cloud connector service for each desired REST resource on which the connector can operate.
When you configure a cloud connector service, you specify the following information:
*The cloud connection you created.
*A SOAP operation or a REST resource, which is defined in the cloud connector descriptor.
*A connector virtual service, which sends service requests from CloudStreams to the SaaS provider, handles the provider's responses, and logs the request/responses (discussed below).
*The business object associated with the operation (for SOAP-based providers).
*The headers to include in the service’s input pipeline.
*The input/output signature that determines how the user interacts with the service.
*Optional parameters to include in the input/output signature, such as variables to be replaced at run time with a user’s input.
At run time, the cloud connector service constructs and maps a SOAP or REST request from the service’s input pipeline to an appropriate message builder. When the SaaS application provider sends a response, the cloud connector service processes and maps the response and populates the output pipeline.
You create and configure cloud connector services using the Service Development plug-in provided in Software AG Designer. The procedures for doing this appear in the documentation specific to your CloudStreams connector (for example, the webMethods CloudStreams Provider for Installation and User's Guide).
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