Cloud Application Integration (On-Premises) : Administering CloudStreams : CloudStreams Analytics : Installation and Configuration Tasks : Creating New Users for CloudStreams Analytics
Creating New Users for CloudStreams Analytics
To enable users to access CloudStreams Analytics, you must create those users in MashZone.
You can create users using the following procedure, or you can import users and user groups from your LDAP system to MashZone and update the data of already imported LDAP users. For details about importing users from your LDAP system, see the chapter "Import LDAP Users and User Groups" chapter in the Software AG MashZone Online Help.
Prerequisite: You must have MashZone Administrator privileges.
To create a new user in MashZone
1. Login to MashZone using your credentials. If you selected the default MashZone administrator credentials during installation, the default credentials are:
*User name: system
*Password: manager
2. Click the User Management Tab > User tab.
3. Create a new user.
4. The new user can login to CloudStreams Analytics using the login and password entered here.
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