Cloud Application Integration (On-Premises) : Integration Server Built-In Services : XMLData Folder : pub.xmldata:getAttributes
WmPublic. Retrieves the attributes from a an XMLData document.
If an XML Schema definition contains a complex type definition with an anyAttribute declaration, the XML document type created from the schema contains a corresponding *anyAttribute field. As the purpose of the anyAttribute declaration to act as a placeholder or wildcard, the XML document type cannot have a more specific representation. Use the pub.xmldata:getAttributes service to retrieve the attribute and attribute value included in an XML document at run time. That is, use the service to find the unknown attributes that are not declared in the XML document type. To set the attribute value in the XMLData, you must use the pub.xml:setAttribute service.
Input Parameters
Document The *attributes from which you want to retrieve a list of attibutes. The *attributes field is an XMLData document.
If an element of complex type defines or carries attributes, Integration Server places the attributes in an *attributess document that is of type XMLData.
String Optional. The NCName (non-colonized name), of the attribute. The NCName is also called the local name. If you do not specify a value for ncName, the service returns all attributes belonging to the namespace specified in the namespace input parameter.
String Optional. The namespace URI for the attribute. If you do not specify a value, the service looks for attributes that do not belong to a namespace.
Output Parameters
Document List A list of XMLData documents that contain the attributes that match the supplied ncName and namespace values.
If no attributes match the supplied ncName and namespace values, the service returns an empty (zero length) list.
String The NCName of the attribute.
String The namespace URI for the attribute.
String The value of the attribute.
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