headers | Document Optional. Contains the header fields to be returned in the HTTP response. | ||
responseCode | String Optional. HTTP status code to be returned to the client. The response codes and phrases are defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6. If you provide a value for responseCode that is not listed in RFC 7321, Section 6, you must also provide a value for reasonPhrase. | ||
responsePhrase | String Optional. HTTP reason phrase to be returned to the client. If no reason is provided, the default reason phrase associated with responseCode will be used. You must provide a reasonPhrase for any responseCode that is not listed in RFC 7321, Section 6. | ||
responseString | String Optional. Response to be returned to the client, specified as a string. | ||
responseBytes | byte[ ] Optional. Response to be returned to the client, specified as a byte array. | ||
responseStream | java.io.InputStream Optional. Response to be returned to the client, specified as an InputStream. |
Note: | Integration Server does not support the use of the pub.flow:HTTPResponse document type for Enterprise Gateway that is configured to use the custom filter. |