B2B Integration : Managing File Transfers with ActiveTransfer : Migrating Assets : How ActiveTransfer Server Detects Assets in the Target System Before Importing Them
How ActiveTransfer Server Detects Assets in the Target System Before Importing Them
When you import an asset, ActiveTransfer Server checks whether an asset with the same asset name already exists on the target system. For user assets, ActiveTransfer Server checks the authentication ID (user ID).
The force parameter in the wm.mft.admin:importData service specifies whether to update an asset when ActiveTransfer Server finds a matching asset on the target system. If force is set to true and ActiveTransfer Server finds a match, the server overwrites the asset on the target system. The force parameter does not apply when mapping partner assets; if the partner information already exists on the target server, the imported partner asset is ignored.
When migrating VFS folders, if ActiveTransfer Server finds a matching folder name on the target system, the server updates the folder with the information from the imported folder. However, this can lead to unexpected results due to the possible conflicts in folder hierarchy and partner association between the source and target systems. If you want to migrate VFS folders, it is recommended to delete the matching folder on the target system before importing the folder from the source system.
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