Application Integration (On-Premises) : Administering the Software AG Infrastructure : Working with Web Services : Configure Message Transports : Configure Mail Transport : Set Up Apache James Server
Set Up Apache James Server
The activation of mail transport in Web Services Stack requires the open source SMTP and POP3 Apache Java Enterprise Mail Server (James) to transfer e-mail messages. After you have installed and configured your the Apache James server, you must create a mail account that represents the e-mail address of Web Services Stack. You can create additional accounts to correspond to different clients. For more information on configuring the Apache James mail server, see the Apache James documentation.
1. Install Apache James server as follows:
a. Download the archive with the binary distribution of the Apache James mail server from the Apache James website.
b. Extract the files from the downloaded archive to a JAMES_HOME directory of your choice.
c. Start and stop the mail server once so that it unpacks its configuration files.
2. Open the configuration files for editing as follows:
a. Open a command prompt and to go the JAMES_HOME/bin directory.
b. Run run.bat to start the server, then use the CTRL+C command to stop the mail server.
c. Type the ipconfig /all command to check your network configuration.
3. Configure the DNS servers in the mail server as follows:
a. Open the config.xml file under the JAMES_HOME/apps/james/SAR-INF directory.
b. Find the tag dnsserver and enter the IP address of each DNS server from your network configuration as shown in the following example:
c. Start the mail server again.
4. Create accounts in the mail server as follows:
a. Start the Apache James mail server. To do so, run the console command prompt, navigate to JAMES_HOME/bin directory and run run.bat.
b. Start the James Remote Manager Service. Run the console command prompt and type the following telnet command:
telnet localhost 4555
Port number 4555 is the default port, where the Remote Manager Service starts. It is configured in the James configuration file (JAMES_HOME/apps/james/SAR-INF/config.xml). If you have changed the default port number in a previous step, use the new value in the preceding command.
c. Log on the Remote Manager. You are prompted for the logon ID and password. They are configured in the James configuration file (JAMES_HOME/apps/james/SAR-INF/config.xml). The initial values are "root" for both the login ID and the password, unless you have changed them.
d. Create the account using the command adduser username password.
e. Type the command adduser server wsstack.
f. Exit the Remote Manager Service using the quit command.
After you have executed the commands in the command prompt, you get a result similar to the following one:
>telnet localhost 4555
JAMES Remote Administration Tool 2.3.1
Login id:root
Welcome root.
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