Application Integration (On-Premises) : Administering the Software AG Infrastructure : Running Web Applications : Configure JNDI Resources : Configure the JNDI Injection Framework
Configure the JNDI Injection Framework
The JNDI injection framework in Software AG Runtime is configured and enabled by default. The configuration is stored in the Tomcat configuration files context.xml and server.xml. The files are located in the Software AG_directory \profiles\CTP\configuration\tomcat\conf directory.
The context.xml file defines a context listener of type com.softwareag.platform.catalina.jndi.ResourceInjector that has several parameters with default values. You can change these values.
applicationStartup Timeout
Required. Period, in milliseconds, that the injector will wait for the host bundle to become active. After the period expires, the injector will try to obtain the host BundleContext. If the context is not available, the injector will fail the application startup. The default is 300000.
applicationStartup Poll
Required. How often, in milliseconds, the injector will poll the state of the host bundle. The default is 1000.
injectionStartup Timeout
Required. Period, in milliseconds, that the injector will wait for all unbound resources to be injected. If this period expires and resources are missing, the injector will fail the application startup. The default is 30000.
serviceProxy Timeout
Required. Damping period, in milliseconds, of the service proxies. If a service tracked by a proxy is not available, the injector will block the caller thread for the specified number of milliseconds. The default is 10000.
The server.xml file defines how and when Software AG Runtime is to deploy web applications. You can change these values.
Whether to automatically deploy web applications. The default is true.
Whether to deploy web applications during Software AG Runtime startup. The default is false.
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