Application Integration (On-Premises) : Administering Integration Server : An Overview of the Server : How the Server Loads Java Classes : Classpaths : Changing Classpath Information at Startup
Changing Classpath Information at Startup
When Integration Server starts, it checks the custom_wrapper.conf files for modifications to some of the Java system parameters and variables used by the server. If the custom_wrapper.conf file contains overrides to the classpath information, the server uses those settings during startup.
Beginning with Integration Server version 9.7, Integration Server no longer obtains settings from setenv.bat/sh or server.bat/sh. At startup, Integration Server obtains all classpath modifications from custom_wrapper.conf.
The custom_wrapper.conf file contains variables that you can change to add directories to the Java and Integration Server classpaths. Use the following variables to add directories to the beginning and the end of the Integration Server classpath:
To add directories to the...
Beginning of the classpath
End of the classpath
Although this file comes with a number of variables already specified, you can add additional ones.
For more detailed information about where and how these variables are added to the classpaths, see Classpaths. For more information about the custom_wrapper.conf and the properties you can set, see Software AG Infrastructure Administrator's Guide.
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