Application Integration (On-Premises) : Integration Server Built-In Services : About this Guide
About this Guide
The webMethods Integration Server Built-In Services Reference describes the built-in services provided with a standard installation of the webMethods Integration Server. Services are also installed with webMethods add-on packages, such as adapters and monitoring tools. You will find documentation for those services in the user guide provided with the add-on product.
This guide describes features and functionality that may or may not be available with your licensed version of webMethods Integration Server. For information about the licensed components for your installation, see the Settings > License page in the webMethods Integration Server Administrator.
The descriptions in this book are divided into the following folders. These folders reside in the WmPublic package, unless otherwise specified.
Contains services you use to…
(WmART package) Manage adapter components, including connections, adapter services, listeners, and notifications.
Retrieve information about assets on Integration Server.
Perform tasks on caches.
Formulate and submit requests to HTTP, FTP, e-mail, and LDAP servers.
Generate and format date values.
(WmDB package) Access JDBC-enabled databases. The webMethods Adapter for JDBC also provides services that perform operations against JDBC-enabled databases. See the webMethods Adapter for JDBC Installation and User’s Guide for information.
Perform operations on documents in the pipeline.
Build audit and event handler services.
Perform operations on the local file system.
(WmFlatFile package) Convert between Flat File documents and IS documents.
Perform debugging and utility-type tasks in a flow service.
Create, update, and get information about the hashtable.
Convert data between byte[ ] and InputStream representations.
Obtain information about Integration Server JDBC pools.
Send and receive JMS messages.
Parse JSON content in the pipeline.
Retrieve, replace, or add elements in an Object List, Document List, or String List; convert String Lists to Document Lists.
Add, subtract, multiply, or divide string-based numeric values.
Publish metadata about Integration Server packages and administrative assets to the CentraSite shared registry.
Create MIME messages and extract information from MIME messages.
Authorize a client application to access data on Integration Server using the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework.
Install, load, and/or alter the status of a package on the Integration Server.
Publish and deliver documents to other Integration Servers via webMethods Universal Messaging or webMethods Broker.
Invoke services on remote webMethods Integration Servers.
Replicate packages across webMethods Integration Servers.
Apply an output template to the values in the pipeline.
Schedule services to execute at the times you specify.
Validate objects or values in the pipeline.
Control which client certificates are sent to other services and digitally sign data and process digital signatures. Store and retrieve outbound passwords to access secure resources.
Create digitally signed and/or encrypted MIME messages. Process signed and encrypted MIME messages.
Send, receive, and retrieve data from SOAP messages. Register custom SOAP processors.
Create, close, delete, and register repository data stores. Insert and retrieve information from data stores.
Perform string manipulation and substitution operations.
Coordinate the execution of services.
Perform latching and cross-referencing operations in a publish-and-subscribe integration.
Create and delete triggers and manage document retrieval and document processing for individual webMethods messaging triggers. Create, delete, enable, disable, or suspend one or more JMS triggers.
Perform administrative tasks for guaranteed delivery transactions.
List the contents of the Universal Registry and look up services by their universal names.
Retrieve the values of server properties
Deprecated - Use the local service development feature (Local Version Control Integration) to check package elements and their supporting files into and out of a version control system (VCS) directly from Designer. Manage user associations for the VCS Integration feature.
Perform operations on XML documents.
Work with XML documents in the form of XMLData documents.
(WmXSLT package) Transform an XML stream into a byte array, file, or XML node, and to maintain the XSLT stylesheet cache.
Built-in services generally have the following default access permissions:
For this type of permission...
Built-in services are assigned to this ACL...
Members of the Developers ACL can see, in webMethods Integration Server or Software AG Designer, that a service exists.
The WmPrivate ACL is a virtual ACL designed to protect the proprietary code in the built-in services. As this ACL has no members, no user can edit a service or view its source.
Members of the Internal ACL can execute a service.
These default access permissions cannot be changed (that is, another ACL cannot be selected).
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