Application Integration (On-Premises) : Integration Server Built-In Services : RESTV2 Folder : pub.restV2:listAllRESTResources
WmPublic. Lists the REST resources configured using the URL template-based approach for a specified Integration Server service or for all the Integration Server services in a specified package. These REST resources are invoked using the restv2 directive.
The pub.restV2:listAllRESTResources service does not list the REST resources that are invoked using the rest directive.
Input Parameters
String Optional. The name of the package that contains the services for which REST resources are configured.
String Optional. The fully qualified name of the service for which REST resources are configured.
Output Parameters
Document List Information about the REST resources that match the search criteria. Each document in restResources represents a REST resource and contains the following information:
String The URL template associated with the REST resource.
String The HTTP methods supported by the REST resource. Valid values are GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.
String The fully qualified name of the service that the REST resource refers to.
String The unique identifier for the REST resource.
Usage Notes
*If you do not specify any input parameter, the pub.restV2:listAllRESTResources service lists the REST resources for all the services in the Integration Server namespace.
*If you specify an invalid svcName, the pub.restV2:listAllRESTResources service returns an error.
*If you specify only pkgName, the pub.restV2:listAllRESTResources service lists the REST resources configured for the Integration Server services that belong to the specified package.
*If you specify only svcName, pub.restV2:listAllRESTResources service lists the REST resources configured for the specified Integration Server service.
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