Application Integration (On-Premises) : Service Development : Working with REST API Descriptors : Working with REST Resources in a REST API Descriptor : Working with Operations
Working with Operations
Changing the MIME Types for an Operation in a REST Resource
About the Operation Parameters
Reviewing and Changing the Assigned Source for an Operation Parameter
In a REST API descriptor, each included REST resource lists the supported operations which can be GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, and DELETE. Each operation corresponds to a _get, _put, _post, _patch, or _delete service contained in the REST resource. For each operation, Designer displays the parameters used by the operation and the responses returned by the operation. Designer also displays a description of the operation which Designer obtains from Comments tab for the corresponding service. For each operation in a REST API descriptor, you can do the following:
*Change the MIME types that the operation consumes or produces
*Review the assigned source of the parameter and change the source if necessary.
*Add and remove responses.
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