Application Integration (On-Premises) : Service Development : Building Flow Services : The EXIT Step
The EXIT Step
Building an EXIT Step
The EXIT flow step allows you to exit the entire flow service or a single flow step. You specify whether you want to exit from:
*The nearest ancestor (parent) LOOP or REPEAT flow step to the EXIT flow step.
*The parent flow step of the EXIT flow step.
*A specified ancestor flow step to the EXIT flow step.
*The entire flow service.
When you use the EXIT step, you indicate whether exiting should return a successful condition or a failure condition. If the exit is considered a failure, an exception is thrown. You can specify the text of the error message that is displayed by typing it directly or by assigning it to a variable in the pipeline.
Examples of when to use the EXIT step include to:
*Exit an entire flow service from within a series of deeply nested steps.
*Throw an exception when you exit a flow or a flow step without having to write a Java service to call Service.throwError( ).
*Exit a LOOP or REPEAT flow step without throwing an exception.
The following flow service contains two EXIT steps that, if executed, will exit the nearest ancestor LOOP step. If the value of CreditCardType is null or an empty string, the matching EXIT step executes and exits the LOOP over the '/PurchaseOrdersList' step.
Use the EXIT step to exit the nearest ancestor LOOP step
EXIT Properties
Building an EXIT Step
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