Application Integration (On-Premises) : Integration Server Built-In Services : Document Folder : Summary of Elements in this Folder
Summary of Elements in this Folder
The following elements are available in this folder:
Package and Description
WmPublic. Converts an array of bytes to a document.
WmPublic. Deletes the specified documents from a set of documents.
WmPublic. Constructs a document (an IData object) from a document list (an IData[ ]) by generating key/value pairs from the values of two elements that you specify in the document list.
WmPublic. Converts a document to an array of bytes.
WmPublic. Expands the contents of a document into a list of documents.
WmPublic. Converts a document (IData object) to a String by encoding it in the webMethods XMLValues format.
WmPublic. Groups a set of documents based on specified criteria.
WmPublic. Inserts a new document in a set of documents at a specified position.
WmPublic. Searches a set of documents for entries matching a set of Criteria.
WmPublic. Sorts a set of input documents based on the specified sortCriteria.
WmPublic. Decodes a String containing an XMLValues-encoded document and produces a document (IData object).
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