Application Integration - Software AG Hosted Environment : Integration Cloud : Account Configuration Details : ServiceNow Enterprise Service Management
ServiceNow Enterprise Service Management
Integration Cloud connects to different areas (Incident, Problem, and Change management) of ServiceNow using the Geneva version of the ServiceNow API. You can create incidents, get details of created incidents, and update and delete them. Similar operations are available for problem and change management cloud applications.
Server URL
Provide the login endpoint to initiate communication with the SaaS provider. Example: https://<instance_name>, where <instance_name> represents the actual instance name.
Connection TimeOut
The number of milliseconds a connection waits before canceling its attempt to connect to the resource. If you specify 0, the connection waits indefinitely. Specify a value other than 0 to avoid using a socket with no timeout.
Connection Retry Count
The number of times Integration Cloud should attempt to initialize the connection at startup if the initial attempt fails.
Integration Cloud retries to establish a connection when an I/O error occurs while sending the request message to the backend. If an I/O error occurs when Integration Cloud is reading a response back from the backend, it will retry only if the Retry on Response Failure option is selected.
Retry on Response Failure
Whether Integration Cloud should attempt to resend the request when the response has failed, even though the request was sent successfully. Select this option if you want to re-establish the connection.
This is the user account name on the SaaS provider that the Account will use to connect to the SaaS provider.
Provide a password for the user name provided in the Username field to initiate communication with the SaaS provider.
Authorization Type
The type of HTTP authorization scheme to use for the connection. If you select none, no additional authorization scheme will be executed at run time. For example, when you specify a Username and Password, but do not specify a value for the Authorization Type, the user credentials are not inserted into an Authorization header. If you enter the username and password, then set the authorization type as basic. Basic refers to HTTP Basic Authentication. This option can be used if the Application requires or supports HTTP Basic authentication using a username and password.
Adding or Editing Accounts
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