Application Integration - Software AG Hosted Environment : Integration Cloud : Account Configuration Details : Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)
Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)
Integration Cloud connects to Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) using the REST interface and allows you to publish messages and deliver them to subscribers and other applications.
Server URL
The endpoint to connect with AWS SNS. Prefix the endpoint with https://, for example, https://sns.(Region) This is the native provider endpoint target for the Account configuration.
Connection TimeOut
The number of milliseconds a connection waits before canceling its attempt to connect to the resource. If you specify 0, the connection waits indefinitely. Specify a value other than 0 to avoid using a socket with no timeout.
Connection Retry Count
The number of times Integration Cloud should attempt to initialize the connection at startup if the initial attempt fails.
Integration Cloud retries to establish a connection when an I/O error occurs while sending the request message to the backend. If an I/O error occurs when Integration Cloud is reading a response back from the backend, it will retry only if the Retry on Response Failure option is selected.
Retry on Response Failure
Whether Integration Cloud should attempt to resend the request when the response has failed, even though the request was sent successfully. Select this option if you want to re-establish the connection.
Access Key
Access Key obtained from AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Console. This is a username. It is an alphanumeric text string that uniquely identifies the user who owns the account. No two accounts can have the same Access Key.
Secret Key
Secret key obtained from AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Console. This key plays the role of a password. It is called secret because it is assumed to be known only by the owner. When you type the secret key, it is displayed as an asterisk or dots.
An area specific value. The region is different for different users.
Signing Algorithm
Explicitly select the signing algorithm, for example, HMAC-SHA1 Signatures used to sign the message.
Adding or Editing Accounts
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