Field | Description |
Server URL | Provide the login endpoint to initiate communication with the SaaS provider. Example: |
Connection TimeOut | The number of milliseconds a connection waits before canceling its attempt to connect to the resource. If you specify 0, the connection waits indefinitely. Specify a value other than 0 to avoid using a socket with no timeout. |
Connection Retry Count | The number of times Integration Cloud should attempt to initialize the connection at startup if the initial attempt fails. Integration Cloud retries to establish a connection when an I/O error occurs while sending the request message to the backend. If an I/O error occurs when Integration Cloud is reading a response back from the backend, it will retry only if the Retry on Response Failure option is selected. |
Retry on Response Failure | Whether Integration Cloud should attempt to resend the request when the response has failed, even though the request was sent successfully. Select this option if you want to re-establish the connection. |
Access Key | This is a username. It is an alphanumeric text string that uniquely identifies the user who owns the account. No two accounts can have the same Access Key. |
Secret Key | This key plays the role of a password. It is called secret because it is assumed to be known only by the owner. When you type the secret key, it is displayed as an asterisk or dots. |
Region | An area specific value. |
Signing Algorithm | Explicitly select the signing algorithm, for example, HMAC-SHA1 Signatures used to sign the message. |