Agile Process : Working with webMethods Business Console : About Tasks : Using To-Do Lists : Creating To-Do Lists
Creating To-Do Lists
You can create a to-do list with or without using a to-do list template. When you create a to-do list, you create instances of all the tasks defined in the to-do list template.
To create a to-do list
1. Select the To-Do List menu option on the task type bar or from the Actions menu of a task in the task list.
If you select the To-Do List menu option from the Actions menu in a task list, the task ID of the parent task type is specified by default in the Associated To field.
2. Provide a name for the to-do list.
3. If you want to create a to-do list by using a saved to-do list template, click the Saved To-Do List Template tab and perform the following steps:
a. Select the template you want to use from the Saved To-Do List Template.
b. If required, provide values for all the child task attributes. See To-Do List Attributes.
After creating a to-do list, you can change the attribute values of the child tasks in the task detail page.
c. If you want to remove a child task, click corresponding to the child task.
d. If you want to add a child task, click .
e. If you have made any changes to the template, click Update To-Do List Template to save the changes to the template.
f. Click Start To-Do List to create and start the to-do list.
4. If you want to create a to-do list without using a saved to-do list template, click the Create To-Do List Template tab and provide values for the child task attributes. If required, you can change the attribute values of the child tasks after creating the to-do list. See To-Do List Attributes.
5. Click Start To-Do List.
Icon displayed in each child task row helps you identify which child task instances were successfully created.
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