ProcessModelID | String ID of the process model with which this invocation of the correlation service is involved. | ||
ProcessModelVersion | String Version of the process model with which this invocation of the correlation service is involved.
| ||
LogicalServer | String Name of the logical server that is associated with the step in the process model version with which this invocation of the correlation service is involved. In other words, the name of the logical server on which this correlation service is running. Because a single correlation service can be used with steps that execute on different servers, you can use LogicalServer to identify a specific server at run time. | ||
ProcessStepID | String ID of the step in the process model version with which this invocation of the correlation service is involved (for example, N3). Because a single correlation service can be associated with multiple steps in a process model version, you can use ProcessStepID to identify the specific step at run time. | ||
DocumentName | String Name of this document as used in the process model version (for example, "OrderDocument"). | ||
DocumentType | String Name of this document type (for example, ""). | ||
Document | Document The document. |
ProcessCorrelationID | String Conditional. An abstract ID that correlates to the actual process instance ID of the running process. For example: "CUSTOMER-0003456977::ORDER-19477593-AR9-1000". All documents bound for the same instance of the process must return the same correlation ID. Similarly, correlation IDs must be unique across all process instances. |
CorrelateAsTN | String Conditional. Flag that indicates whether the correlation ID in ProcessCorrelationID is a conversation ID. The following values apply: true — Indicates that ProcessCorrelationID is a Trading Networks conversation ID. false — Default. Indicates that ProcessCorrelationID is not a Trading Networks conversation ID. |