About the Properties View
The Properties view displays information about the currently selected asset in Designer, including processes, steps, pools, transitions, annotations (notes), and process simulation resources (with the Process Simulation feature). Based on the type of asset selected, the Properties view is organized into pages that allow you to see and configure specific aspects of the asset.
When you select an asset in an editor or in a view, information about it appears in the Properties view.
Tip: | If the information in the Properties view does not display properly, click anywhere in the process editor, and then click the step again. |
When you first open the Process Development perspective, the Business Analyst mode is enabled by default. For more information, see
About Process Development Modes. In Business Analyst mode, the Properties view displays only basic properties. To see advanced properties, preferences, and functions, you must select the Process Developer mode, as described in
Configuring the Process Development
If you close the Properties view and want to reopen it, click
Window > Show View > Properties.