Agile Process : webMethods BPM Process Development Help : Process Development Preferences : Configuring Process Development Preferences
Configuring Process Development Preferences
To configure Process Development preferences
1. In Designer: Window > Preferences
2. Click to expand the General entry and set preferences for each of the following sections.
*Capabilities Preferences; for more information, see About Capabilities Preferences.
*Search Preferences; for more information, see:
*in webMethods BPM and CAF Workspace Metadata Help
*in webMethods BPM and CAF CentraSite Metadata Help
3. Click to expand the Software AG entry and set preferences for each of the following sections:
*in CentraSite Help.
*in webMethods Service Development Help
*in webMethods BPM and CAF Workspace Metadata Help
4. Click to expand the Software AG  > Process Development entry and set preferences for each of the following sections.
*Configuring Appearance Preferences
*Configuring Colors And Fonts Preferences
* Configuring ARIS Server Preferences
*Configuring Build and Upload Preferences
*Configuring Default Documentation Fields Preferences
*Configuring Optimize Server Preferences
*Configuring Process Audit Database Preferences
*Configuring Process Debug Preferences
5. Do one of the following:
*Click Apply to save your changes and keep the Preferences window open.
*Click OK to save your changes and close the Preferences window.
*Click Restore Defaults to apply default preferences on a page.
*Click Cancel to close the Preferences window without saving your changes.
You can use the Forward and Back buttons in the Preferences window to navigate through Preferences pages you have visited.
For information on process simulation preferences, see in the webMethods BPM Process Simulation Help.
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