Tip: | Pools are designed to expand automatically in order to accommodate steps being moved beyond current pool bounds. If you move a step past a certain (Eclipse-determined) point, it will land outside of the pool when you drop it. Expanded subprocesses are especially susceptible to this situation. Designer provides feedback cues to help you determine where a step will land when you drop it. A grey “ghost” image of the new pool bounds is displayed during the drag action when the step is to be dropped inside the pool; if the grey image of the new pool bounds is no longer displayed, your step will land outside the pool. |
Note: | Relative positions of multiple steps is preserved when you paste. If the target process editor's canvas has an asset selected, steps and/or notes and annotations are pasted relative to the selected asset. If there is nothing selected on the target canvas, steps and/or notes and annotations are pasted relative to the top left of the canvas. If you paste a step or a note/annotation very close to the edge of a pool, swimlane, or expanded subprocess, the container expands to accommodate the pasted item. |