Agile Process : webMethods BPM Process Development Help : Process Engine Processing : About Transitions : About Transition Type Behavior : About Transitions and Standard Exception Handling
About Transitions and Standard Exception Handling
When executing steps in a process model, the Process Engine handles exceptions based on settings in the process model and its components. When doing so, it follows a standard set of guidelines known as Standard Exception Handling. This is sometimes referred to as “default” exception handling.
In Standard Exception Handling, the Process Engine selects a transition to follow based on these conditions:
If ...
The Process Engine ...
The step has a boundary intermediate error event.
Takes the boundary intermediate error event transition.
The step is a subprocess.
Takes the subprocess error transition.
The step is a subprocess
The subprocess is nested inside another subprocess.
Takes the parent subprocess error transition.
An Error Handler Step is defined.
Executes the Error Handler Step.
No Error Handler Step is defined.
Sets the instance to Failed.
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