Agile Process : Universal Messaging Administration Guide : Using Command Central to Manage Universal Messaging : Universal Messaging Configuration Types : Queues Configuration
Queues Configuration
You can view, create, update, and delete a queue using the Command Central web or command-line interface.
You can configure the following properties:
Queue Properties
Required. Name of the queue to be created. You cannot edit the queue name.
Type of queue. Universal Messaging queue types:
*Mixed (default)
TTL (ms)
Specifies how long (in milliseconds) each event is retained in the queue after being published. For example, if you specify a TTL of 10000, the events on the queue will be automatically removed by the server after 10000 milliseconds. Specify 0 for events to remain on the queue indefinitely.
Event capacity of the queue. Specifies the maximum number of events that can be on a queue once published. Specify 0 to store unlimited events. The maximum queue capacity is 2147483646.
Dead event store
Channel or queue to be used to store events that are purged before being consumed.
Selected automatically if the Universal Messaging server instance is part of a cluster.
Protobuf descriptor
Absolute path to the Protocol Buffer descriptor file that is stored on the machine where Software AG Platform Manager is installed.
Storage Properties
Select to retain events till they reach their TTL. Cancel the selection to purge events from the queue storage file.
Honor capacity
Select to prevent publishing of data when the queue is full. Cancel the selection to purge the oldest published event.
Enable caching
Select for the events to be stored in the cache memory and reused. Cancel the selection to read and stored in the file store.
Cache on reload
Select to enable caching during reload.
Enable read buffering
Select to enable read buffering for the store on the Universal Messaging server.
Enable multicast
Select to enable multicast client to receive events over multitask connections.
Read buffer size
Read buffer size in bytes.
Sync each write
Select to sync each write to the file system.
Sync batch size
Configurable only when Sync each write is selected. Number of events that is to be synced with the file system at once.
Sync batch time
Configurable only when Sync each write is selected. Time in milliseconds (ms) between syncs with the file system.
Fanout archive target
Target number of events that are written to an archive after fanout.
Priority range. 0 (lowest) to 9 (highest).
Events per spindle
Maximum number of events allowed per file.
Stamp dictionary
Select to stamp events on the channel by the server.
Queue ACL
User name in the format user@host or the name of an existing group.
Manage ACL
Select to allow the user or group to manage ACLs.
Select to grant full privileges to the user or group.
Select to allow the user or group to purge events.
Select to allow the user or group to peek events.
Select to allow the user or group to push events.
Select to allow the user or group to pop events.
You can view the following join properties:
Type of join.
Destination name
Destination channel.
Target instance name
Name of the target instance. Required only if the target channel is in a remote Universal Messaging server instance.
Target instance URL
URL of the target Universal Messaging server instance that has the destination channel for the join.
Remote node
Destination channel.
Hop count
Maximum number of subsequent joins.
Event ID
Last retrieved event ID.
Allow purge
Allow purging of events in the queue.
Archival join is a join between a channel and a queue where events will not be checked for duplication.
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