Property... | Description.. | ||
Name | Required. Name of the channel to be created.
| ||
Type | Type of channel. Universal Messaging channel types: Transient Simple Reliable Persistent Mixed (default) Off-heap Paged | ||
TTL (ms) | Specifies how long (in milliseconds) each event is retained on the channel after being published. For example, if you specify a TTL of 10000, the events on the channel will be automatically removed by the server after 10000 milliseconds. Specify 0 for events to remain on the channel indefinitely. | ||
Capacity | Event capacity of the channel. Specifies the maximum number of events that can be on a channel, once published. Specify 0 to store unlimited events. The maximum channel capacity is 2147483646. | ||
Dead event store | Channel or queue to be used to store events that are purged before being consumed. | ||
Engine | Type of engine to be used for the channel. By default, Universal Messaging retains all events on the channel for a specified TTL, modify the retention behavior by selecting JMS engine or Merge engine. | ||
Cluster-wide | Selected automatically if the Universal Messaging server instance is part of a cluster. | ||
Protobuf descriptor | Absolute path to the Protocol Buffer (protobuf) descriptor file that is stored on the machine where Software AG Platform Manager is installed. |
Property... | Description.. |
Auto-maintenance | Select to retain events till they reach their TTL. Cancel the selection to purge events from the channel storage file. |
Honor capacity | Select to prevent publishing of data when the channel is full. Cancel the selection to purge the oldest published event. |
Enable caching | Select for the events to be stored in the cache memory and reused. Cancel the selection to read and stored in the file store. |
Cache on reload | Select to enable caching during reload. |
Enable read buffering | Select to enable read buffering for the store on the Universal Messaging server. |
Enable multicast | Select to enable multicast client to receive events over multitask connections. |
Read buffer size | Read buffer size in bytes. |
Sync each write | Select to sync each write to the file system. |
Sync batch size | Configurable only when Sync each write is selected. Number of events that is to be synced with the file system at once. |
Sync batch time | Configurable only when Sync each write is selected. Time in milliseconds (ms) between syncs with the file system. |
Fanout archive target | Target number of events that are written to an archive after fanout. |
Priority | Priority range. 0 (lowest) to 9 (highest). |
Events per spindle | Maximum number of events allowed per file. |
Stamp dictionary | Select to stamp events on the channel by the server. |
Column... | Description... |
Key name | Name of the channel publish key. |
Depth | Depth of the channel publish key. Depth is the maximum number of events that can exist on a channel for a specific key name. |
Column... | Description... |
Subject | User name in the format user@host or the name of an existing group. |
Manage ACL | Select to allow the user or group to manage ACLs. |
Full | Select to grant full privileges to the user or group. |
Purge | Select to allow the user or group to purge events. |
Subscribe | Select to allow the user or group to subscribe to events. |
Publish | Select to allow the user or group to publish events. |
Named | Select to allow the user or group to subscribe to named objects. |
Column... | Description... |
Type | Type of join. Outgoing: channel is source. Incoming: channel is destination. |
Destination name | Destination channel or queue. |
Target instance name | Name of the target instance. Required only if the channel or queue is in a remote Universal Messaging server instance. |
Target instance URL | URL of the target Universal Messaging server instance that has the destination channel or queue for the join. |
Filter | Type the filtering criteria, a string or a regular expression. Events will be routed to the destination channel based on the filtering criteria. |
Hop count | Type the maximum number of subsequent joins. |
Event ID | Last retrieved event ID. |
Allow purge | Select to allow purging of events on the channel. |
Archival | Select to enable archival join. Archival join is a join between a channel and a queue where events will not be checked for duplication. |