Saving Your Search
If you will frequently need to perform the same search, you have the option of saving your search query. Saving a search query is especially useful when performing advanced searches that you have constructed with multiple search criteria or search filters. After you save a search, rather than entering the same search criteria each time you want to execute the search, you can simply select a saved search and re-execute it. You can save keyword and advanced searches.
Tip: | As an alternative to or in addition to saving a query, if you want immediate access to your search results, add the results to a workspace. Each time you display the workspace, the search results will be available. For more information, see Adding Search Results to a
Workspace. |
To save search criteria that you want to re-execute in the future
1. Perform the search that you want to save. For more information about performing a search, see one of the following:
2. Click Save. My webMethods displays the Save Search dialog box.
3. In the Search Name field, type the name you want to assign to the search.
4. Click OK.