CentraSite User's Guide : Runtime Governance : Virtual Service Asset Management : Managing Virtual Service Assets through CentraSite Business UI : Virtual OData Service Management : Adding Virtual OData Service to Your Asset Catalog : Adding Virtual OData Service from Scratch
Adding Virtual OData Service from Scratch
To add a Virtual OData Service asset to an organization's asset catalog, you must belong to a role that has the Create Assets or Manage Assets permission for that organization.
By default, users with the CentraSite Administrator or Asset Administrator role have this permission.
Before you add a Virtual OData Service asset to the catalog, you must have the EDMX specification file that you want to import. This file can reside on the file system of the computer where your browser is running or it can reside anywhere on the network, as long as its location is addressable through a URL.
An importer in CentraSite is a utility that takes in the specification file of a particular format as the input and then creates an asset of the particular metadata format in the registry. For example, the CentraSite importer for Virtual OData Service reads an input EDMX file and from it, creates a Virtual OData Service asset that best describes the Virtual OData Service with EDMX specification. The importer also uploads the input EDMX file to the CentraSite repository and links the file to the Virtual OData Service.
To add a Virtual OData Service from scratch
1. In the CentraSite Business UI activity bar, click Create Asset.
This opens the Create Asset wizard.
2. In the Basic Information profile, provide the required information for each of the displayed data fields.
Name of the Virtual OData Service.
This is the name that users will see when they view this Virtual OData Service asset in the CentraSite User Interfaces. Therefore, we recommend that you specify a meaningful name for Virtual OData Service.
A Virtual OData Service asset name can contain any characters (including spaces), and must be unique within an organization.
If you have not specified a name for the Virtual OData service, CentraSite automatically populates the Name field with the data extracted from the Virtual OData Service URL or the EDMX file name.
The asset type, OData Service.
The organization to which you want to add the Virtual OData Service. (The Organization list only displays organizations for which you have the Manage Assets permission or at least the Create Assets permission.)
(Optional). The version identifier for the Virtual OData Service. You can enter any string in this field, that is, the version identifier does not need to be numeric. You can also leave the field blank. You can later create new versions of the Virtual OData Service. The default is 1.0.
1.0.0 (beta)
Pre-release 001
(Optional). The description for the Virtual OData Service.
This is the description information that users will see when they view this Virtual OData Service asset in the CentraSite User Interfaces. Therefore, we recommend that you specify a meaningful description for each Virtual OData Service.
Import a File
The input EDMX file for the Virtual OData Service. You may want to read the input EDMX file from a URL-addressable location on the network (the URL option) or from your local file system (the File option).
If the EDMX file you are importing resides on the network, you can specify its URL.
If the specification resides in your local file system, specify the file name. You can use the Browse button to navigate to the required folder.
3. Click the Advanced Settings chevron to expand the additional options that are available for the Service asset. Provide the required information for each of the displayed fields:
If you have specified a URL and the site you want to access through the URL requires user authentication, type a username and password for authentication at the URL site.
Select a resolution strategy, which will allow you to specify how an already existing imported and included file is handled. For each of the imported and included files you have one of these options:
*Overwrite the importing file with new content.
*Create a new version of the file with the new content (if, for example, you want to modify an EDMX file but want to retain its previous version).
4. Click Next.
You can not navigate to the next screen unless all the required attributes have been set.
5. In the Preview panel, review the basic information for the Virtual OData Service before you actually add to the CentraSite registry.
6. Click Save.
A Virtual OData Service asset instance is created in the specified organization and registered with the CentraSite registry/repository. The details page for the Virtual OData Service asset that you just created is displayed.
7. Configure the extended attributes of the Virtual OData Service as described later in this topic.
If you had previously imported an EDMX file that has an associated schema file and you now re-import just the schema file with modifications, your browser may not display the updated contents of the schema file. This can happen if the browser cache is not being updated automatically. To rectify the problem, you can change your browser settings so that pages are always updated on every visit.
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