CentraSite User's Guide : Runtime Governance : Run-Time Policy Management : Built-In Run-Time Actions Reference (CentraSite Business UI) : Built-in Actions for Run-Time Policies (CentraSite Business UI) : Dynamic Routing
Dynamic Routing
This action enables Mediator to support dynamic routing of virtual aliases based on policy configuration. The policies configured are enforced on the request sent to a service and these requests are forwarded to the dynamic endpoint.
You can define the routing decisions based on one of the following routing options:
*Header: You can define the dynamic URL based on the HTTP header value sent by the client. This header name is configured by the API provider and is used to decide the routing decisions at the virtual service. The request message must be routed to the dynamic URL generated from the HTTP header value.
*Context Variable: You can define the dynamic URL based on the context variable value. The API providers must provide IS service in the policy action, Invoke webMethods Integration Server. IS service would perform custom manipulations and set the value for the Context Variable ROUTING_ENDPOINT. Mediator takes this ROUTING_ENDPOINT value as the Native endpoint value and performs the Routing.
Input Parameters
The table lists the input parameters to be configured based on the routing options:
Route Using: Header
Header name
(String). Mediator uses the HTTP header name that you specify in the Header name field to invoke the virtual service. The name specified in this field is not case-sensitive.
Route Through
(URI). Configure the complete or partial dynamic routing endpoint with ${sys:dyn-Endpoint} variable. For example, http://HOSTNAME:5555/rest/com/softwareag/dynamicURI/validateDynamicURI/${sys:dyn-Endpoint}.
At run-time the system-defined alias "${sys:dyn-Endpoint}" is replaced with the value of the header name in the incoming request. For example,
Click the Configure Endpoint Properties icon (next to the Route Through field) if you want to configure a set of properties for the specified endpoint. Alternatively, Mediator offers local endpoint where the native endpoint is hosted on the same Integration Server as Mediator.
Default Route- To
(URI). Type the URL of the native API endpoint to route the request to in case the configured header key is not available in the incoming request. For example:
Click the Configure Endpoint Properties icon (next to the Default Route-To field) if you want to configure a set of properties for the specified endpoint. Alternatively, Mediator offers local endpoint where the native endpoint is hosted on the same Integration Server as Mediator.
Route Using: Context
Route Through
(URI). Configure the complete or partial dynamic routing endpoint with ${sys:dyn-Endpoint} variable. For example, http://HOSTNAME:5555/rest/com/softwareag/dynamicURI/validateDynamicURI/${sys:dyn-Endpoint}.
At run-time the system-defined alias "${sys:dyn-Endpoint}" is replaced with the value of the key ROUTING_ENDPOINT in the message context. For example,
Click the Configure Endpoint Properties icon (next to the Route Through field) if you want to configure a set of properties for the specified endpoint. Alternatively, Mediator offers local endpoint where the native endpoint is hosted on the same Integration Server as Mediator.
Default Route- To
(URI). Enter the URL of the native API endpoint to route the request to, in case the key ROUTING_ENDPOINT is not set in the message context. For example:
Click the Configure Endpoint Properties icon (next to the Default Route- To field) if you want to configure a set of properties for the specified endpoint. Alternatively, Mediator offers local endpoint where the native endpoint is hosted on the same Integration Server as Mediator.
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