CentraSite User's Guide : Runtime Governance : Virtual Service Asset Management : Managing Virtual Service Assets through CentraSite Business UI : General Procedures across Assets : Publishing and Unpublishing Services to and from Gateways
Publishing and Unpublishing Services to and from Gateways
The Process of Publishing a Service to API Portal
The Process of Publishing a Service to Mediator
Use Cases for Publishing a Service
Publishing Multiple Services Through Native Service Details Page
Publishing a Single Virtual Service Through Virtual Service Details Page
Publishing Multiple Services Through Search Results Page
Unpublishing Multiple Services Through Native Service Details Page
Unpublishing a Single Virtual Service Through Virtual Service Details Page
Unpublishing Multiple Services Through Search Results Page
Service management solution allows you to publish and unpublish Services to and from webMethods Mediator and webMethods API Portal gateways.
To publish and unpublish Services to and from a Mediator gateway, you must have the following roles or permissions:
*CentraSite Administrator
*Organization Administrator
*Mediator Publisher
*Instance level Modify permission for Mediator gateway
To publish and unpublish Services to and from an API Portal gateway, you must have the following roles or permissions:
*CentraSite Administrator
*Organization Administrator
*API Portal Publisher
*Instance-level Modify permission for API Portal gateway
*If you have the CentraSite Administrator role, you can publish and unpublish Services to and from any gateways within any organization.
*If you have the Organization Administrator role, Mediator Publisher role, or API Portal Publisher role for a specific organization, you have the ability to publish and unpublish Services to and from the Mediator or API Portal gateways within that specific organization.
The following are some aspects of runtime you may need to consider when you publish and unpublish Services to gateways:
*You will only be able to publish Services to the gateways for which you have the required roles or the Modify instance-level permission.
*You can publish a Native Service to an instance of API Portal. However, you cannot publish a Native Service to an instance of Mediator.
*You can publish Virtual Services to both Mediator and API Portal gateways.
*When publishing a Virtual Service to both Mediator and API Portal gateways in a single step, only if publishing to at least one Mediator instance was successful, CentraSite will publish the Service to API Portal instance.
*When publishing a Service to one or more gateways, if CentraSite encounters a publish failure with one of the gateway, it immediately ignores the failure gateway and proceeds with the next gateway. Any gateway that encountered failure during the publish process is displayed in the Publish Log.
*When trying to publish a Service to a set of gateways, if the Service is already published to a selected gateway, then that Service is republished to that particular gateway.
*When unpublishing a Service from the API Portal gateway, the access tokens associated with the unpublished Service are revoked from the API Portal registry. These revoked access tokens will continue to reside in the CentraSite's repository.
*When republishing a Service (which is already unpublished) to the API Portal gateway, the access tokens associated with the Service and which already exist in the CentraSite's repository are once again published to the API Portal registry.
*When CentraSite version 9.12 is configured with Mediator version 9.10 or earlier, publishing and republishing a Virtual REST Service with HTTP Patch method fails in the Mediator instance. This is because, Mediator version 9.10 and earlier do not support the Axis Free Mediation stack. Instead, the Mediator versions 9.10 and earlier support the WSStack Mediation stack. In order to publish a REST Service with HTTP Patch operation, it is mandatory that the Mediator instance must be configured for the Axis Free Mediation stack. Also, the Mediator instance must be of version 9.12 or above.
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