Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : My webMethods Server Components Used Internally : wm_cafshared Web Application
wm_cafshared Web Application
Portlet Title
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
System. The system uses this web application to serve some secondary resources (for example, JavaScripts, cascading style sheets, and images) that are needed CAF controls to function.
When deploying CAF web applications and portlets to a non-My webMethods Server container, be sure to deploy the wm_cafshared web application to the container.
Init Parameters
Identifies the system property that holds the wm_cafshared web application version string. Specify the name of the system property. The default is wm_cafshared.version.
The wm_cafshared web application calculates the version string from the timestamp in its manifest file. When rendering links to resources that are served by the wm_cafshared web application, the webMethods CAF uses the version string to ensure that the client browsers retrieve new versions of the resources when the version string is updated.
If this parameter has no value, webMethods CAF does not include the version string on links to wm_cafshared resources, and as a result, a client browser might use a older, cached version of a resource.
Indicates whether the wm_cafshared web application should serve the "debug" version of JavaScript resources. The debug version includes comments and white space from the JavaScript files. Specify one of the following:
Serve the "debug" version, leaving comments and white space from the JavaScript files.
Default. Do not serve the "debug" version, and as a result, strip comments and white space from the JavaScript files.
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