Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Page and Portlet Development : Formatted XML Portlet
Formatted XML Portlet
Portlet Title
Formatted XML
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JSR168 Portlet?
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Drawing. Page developers use this portlet to display formatted XML content on a My webMethods Server page. Configure the portlet to format the XML content either by using simple indentation or by using an XSLT style sheet.
Text (text)
Holds the XML content to display in the portlet. If the property has no value, the portlet displays nothing.
Width (width)
Defines a fixed width for the panel that displays the XML content. Specify a valid CSS width measurement, for example, 350px, 30em, or 50%. If the XML content requires more horizontal space than the panel allows, the portlet either wraps long text or displays a horizontal scroll bar; for more information, see the Word Wrap (wordwrap) property. If the property has no value, the panel uses 100 percent of the available width.
Height (height)
Defines a fixed height for the panel that displays the XML content. Specify a valid CSS height measurement, for example, 350px or 30em. If the XML content requires more vertical space than the panel allows, the portlet displays a vertical scroll bar. If the property has no value, the panel grows vertically to show the entire contents without a vertical scroll bar.
Word Wrap (wordwrap)
Indicates whether to wrap long lines or to display a horizontal scroll bar. Specify one of the following:
Default. Wrap long lines to the next line if there is not enough horizontal space.
Display a horizontal scroll bar if there is not enough horizontal space.
Monospace (monospace)
Indicates whether to use a monospace font to display the XML content. Specify one of the following:
Use a monospace font.
Default. Do not use a monospace font.
XSL Stylesheet (stylesheet)
Identifies the XSLT style sheet the portlet is to apply to format the XML content. Specify the thingID or alias of an XSLT document that is stored in the My webMethods Server content repository. If the property has no value, the portlet uses simple indentation-based formatting for the XML content.
Cache Content (cacheAge)
Indicates whether to cache the formatted XML content. Caching the XML content speeds up subsequent renderings of the XML content. Specify one of the following:
Cache the XML content.
Default. Do not cache the XML content.
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