Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Page and Portlet Development : Atom Renderer Component
Atom Renderer Component
Component Name
Component File Name
Top-level Folder
External. End users and page developers apply the Atom Renderer component to My webMethods Server resources, for example a page, to generate a feed in Atom Syndication format. The syndication feed that the atom renderer generates can be read with a feed reader application.
To apply the atom renderer to a page (or other My webMethods Server content), an end user or page developer creates a link. When a user navigates to the link or if a feed reader is configured with the link, My webMethods Server generates the feed for the page in Atom Syndication format. An easy way to apply the atom renderer to a page is by adding the layout=atom parameter to the page URL, for example:
For descriptions of the link parameters you can specify, see Link Parameters, below.
When a user attempts to use a feed reader to subscribe to the syndication feed, the feed reader must be able to access My webMethods Server. As a result, typically a user must use a desktop-based feed reader. However, a Web-based feed reader can be used if My webMethods Server is accessible outside the corporate firewall or if the Web-based feed reader is hosted within the same firewall as My webMethods Server.
The feed reader must also supply valid My webMethods Server credentials to obtain the feed. This can be done by adding the username and password link parameters to the feed URL. For example:
The user interface of some feed readers includes fields for user authentication. To enable the feed reader to authenticate with credentials from its user interface, the My webMethods Server system administrator must set the authentication scheme for the page (or other My webMethods Server content) for which the feed is generated to use the Basic authentication scheme. The system administrator sets the authentication scheme by using the permissions page. For more information about authentication, see information about managing security in Administering My webMethods Server.
The Atom Renderer component also creates a resource in the Administrative Folders > Global Data folder that is named Atom Feed Target, with the alias "atom". The Atom Feed Target resource is automatically configured with the basic authentication scheme. An end user or page developer can create a link that applies the atom renderer to the Atom Feed Target resource, but specifies a different My webMethods Server resource for which to generate a feed. For example, this link will generate the atom feed for the current user's home folder with the Atom Feed Target: "http://localhost:8585/atom?uri=user.current.home".
Link Parameters
The following describes the link parameters that an end user or page developer can specify when creating the link that applies this renderer to a page or other My webMethods Server content.
Identifies the My webMethods Server user attempting to subscribe to the atom renderer component. Specify the user's user name. You can omit the username and password link parameters if the user can provide credentials via the user interface of the feed reader.
Identifies the user's password. Specify the password that corresponds to the user name specified by the username parameter.
Defines the maximum number of entries to generate. The default is -1, which indicates there is no maximum. To define a maximum, specify a positive whole number.
Identifies the index of the first entry to generate. The default is 0, which indicates the first entry.
For example, if the Atom Renderer component could generate 100 entries for a page, but the link to the feed includes the count parameter set to 10 and the startIndex parameter set to 20, the Atom Renderer component would generate a feed with entries 20 through 29.
Identifies the field to use for sorting. Specify the field of the My webMethods Server resource on which to sort the generated entries. By default the Atom Renderer component uses lastModifiedDate-, which indicates to sort by the last modified date in descending order.
For example, if the sort parameter is set to name+, the Atom Renderer component sorts the generated entries by the name field in ascending alphabetical order.
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