Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Page and Portlet Development : Simple Publish Portlet
Simple Publish Portlet
Portlet Title
Simple Publish
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
Page Authoring. Page developers and end users use this portlet to publish new instances of links, documents, folders, and pages.
My webMethods Server uses this portlet internally for the New context menu.
Type (type)
Required. Identifies the type of My webMethods Server object to publish. Specify one of the following:
Container (parentID)
Identifies the folder into which you want to publish the My webMethods Server object. Specify the URI or alias of the folder. The default is folder, which indicates that the portlet is to publish the My webMethods Server object into the current My webMethods Server folder.
Container (parentID)
Identifies the folder into which you want to publish the My webMethods Server object. Specify the URI or alias of the folder. The default is current.resource, which indicates that the portlet is to publish the My webMethods Server object into the current My webMethods Server folder.
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