Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Page and Portlet Development : List of Links Portlet
List of Links Portlet
Portlet Title
List of Links
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
Content Management. Page developers use this portlet to add navigation to other My webMethods Server pages. The portlet displays the children of a specified folder as a list of links. End users click on the links to navigate to other child pages.
The page developer configures the portlet to specify how to display the links. For example, the page developer can specify the style to use for the links, how to sort the links, how many links to display per page, and whether to only display links that are tagged with a specified keyword.
Cache Content (cacheAge)
Defines how long to cache the contents of the portlet. Specify one of the following:
Indicates that you want to cache the contents of the portlet indefinitely.
Default. Indicates that you do not want to cache the contents of the portlet.
Defines the number of minutes to cache the contents of the portlet.
All instances of the portlet share the value of this property.
Visual Style (visualStyle)
Defines the style to use for displaying the links. Specify one of the following:
Default. Display as tabs.
Display as a list of horizontal links.
Display as a list of vertical links.
Display as subtabs.
Display as a drop-down list.
Links Container (rootFolder)
Identifies the folder for which you want to display links. Specify the thingID or alias of the folder. If the property has no value, the portlet uses the parent of the current page.
Selected Link (selectedItem)
Identifies the selected link. Specify the ID of the link that you want the portlet to display as the selected link. If the property has no value, the portlet uses the current page for the selected link.
Force Display of Selected Link (showSelectedItem)
Indicates whether to always show the selected link. This property is used when the XML Display (xml) property identifies a folder that contains more children than the Max items to display (pageSize) property allows on a single page. Specify one of the following:
Always display the selected link regardless of the paging state.
Default. Only display the selected link when it is in the current paging state.
Link Types (linkType)
Defines the types of objects to display as links. The portlet only displays links for children that are of the type specified. Specify one of the following:
Display only children that are of the type folder as links.
Display only children that are of the type document as links.
Display only children that are of the type links as links.
Max items to display (pageSize)
Defines the maximum number of links to display on a single page. Specify a whole number greater than zero. The default is 10.
Sort Order (sort)
Identifies how to sort the links. Specify one of the following sorting keys:
Default. Sort based on the name of the items.
Sort based on the type of items.
Sort based on the last modified date of the items.
Sort based on the sort order configured for each item. For example, the sortid can be an arbitrary integer for each item in a folder, in a nonconsecutive order, to produce a custom sort order. Items with a respective sortid of 1, 12, 15, and 10 would be sorted in the order of 1, 10, 12, and 15.
Truncate Names After X Characters (truncate)
Defines the maximum length of characters to use for a link name, excess characters will be truncated. Specify a whole number greater than zero. The default is 50.
Open in New Window (newWindow)
Indicates whether to open links in a new window.
Default. Open the link in a new window.
Display the link in the current window.
Reuse Opened Window (reuseWindow)
Indicates whether to reuse the new window opened for a link when an end user clicks one of the links that this portlet displays.
If the user clicked another link displayed by this portlet, and the window for that link is open, this portlet will open subsequent links in that same window.
Default. The portlet always opens a new window for each link.
This property is ignored if the Open in New Window (newWindow) property is set to false. That is, if a link opens in the current window, all links on subsequent pages are also opened in the current window.
Filter Keyword (filterKeyword)
Identifies a keyword that items must have in order for the portlet to display a link for them. Specify the keyword. For example, if you specify performance, the portlet only displays links for children that have been tagged with the "performance" keyword. If the property has no value, the portlet does not filter links by a keyword.
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