Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Page and Portlet Development : Image Portlet
Image Portlet
Portlet Title
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
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JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
Drawing. Administrators and end users use this portlet to add an image to a page or workspace to enhance its look-and-feel. Optionally, administrators or end users can link the image to another My webMethods Server resource so that when a user clicks the image, the system displays the linked resource.
General Properties
Name (name)
Required. Identifies the Image portlet being added to the page. Specify the name you want to assign to the Image portlet.
Description (description)
Describes the Image portlet being added to the page. Specify a description. If the property has no value, the Image portlet will not have a description.
Source (source)
Required. Identifies the image to display. Specify one of the following to identify the source of the image:
*Fully-qualified URL of the image (http, ftp, etc.)
*ThingID or alias of the My webMethods Server content object that is a GIF, PNG, or JPG image file that has been published into My webMethods Server
*Path to an image from a My webMethods Server skin
My webMethods Server skins define images. Refer to an image from the default skin using the following, where imagename is the name of the image file defined in the skin:
Width (width)
Defines the width definition for the image. Specify either using the number of pixels (e.g., 100 px) or the percent of the original size of the image (e.g., 80%). If the property has no value, the portlet displays the image using its original dimensions.
Height (height)
Defines the height definition for the image. Specify either using the number of pixels (e.g., 100 px) or the percent of the of the original size of the image (e.g., 80%). If the property has no value, the portlet displays the image using its original dimensions.
Alignment (align)
Identifies the alignment for the image. Specify left, right, center, top, middle, or bottom. If the property has no value, the image displays middle-aligned.
Link To (link)
Identifies whether you want a user to be able to click the image to display another My webMethods Server resource. To have the image use a link, specify the My webMethods Server resource to which to link. If the property has no value, the image will not use a link.
Pseudo portlet overrides (proxyType)
Identifies the behavior of the Image portlet when it is used as a pseudo portlet for other My webMethods Server objects. This advanced property is only for use by administrators. Specify one of the following:
Link (link)
The image specified for this portlet's source property is displayed, but the image is linked to the other My webMethods Server object.
Source (image)
This portlet displays the content of the other My webMethods Server object as an image if the other My webMethods Server object is a image file, but links to the resource specified by this portlet's link property.
Both Link and Source (both)
Default. This portlet displays the content of the other My webMethods Server object as an image if the other My webMethods Server object is an image file, and the image is linked to the other My webMethods Server object.
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