Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Legacy Portlets and Backwards Compatibility : Calendar Picker Portlet
Calendar Picker Portlet
Portlet Title
Calendar Picker
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System. Page developers who are building 6.x proprietary, non-JSR168 portlets use this portlet to add the Date property editor to a page. The Date property editor renders a text input file with a calendar icon next to it. When an end user clicks either the input field or the icon, the Calendar Picker portlet displays a calendar popup window from which the end user can select a date. After selecting the date and closing the popup window, the portlet displays the selected date in the input field.
Form Name (form)
Identifies the name of the HTML form element that contains the Date property editor. Specify the name of the form. If the property has no value, the Date property editor will not function properly.
Property Name (property)
Required. Identifies the portlet property that holds the date for which you are providing the Date property editor. Specify the name of the portlet property.
Property Value (value)
Holds the current date value to initially display in the Date property editor. Specify the current date value either as a String or a long integer representing a Java date value. If you specify a String value, format the string with the pattern specified by the Date Format Pattern (pattern) property. If the property has no value, the Date property editor displays the value defined by the Default Value (defaultValue) property.
Read Only (readOnly)
Indicates whether an end user can use the Date property editor to modify the current value. Specify one of the following:
The end user cannot modify the current value.
Default. The end user can modify the current value.
CSS Class (style)
Identifies the style to apply to the text input that the Date property editor renders. Specify the CSS class. The default is small.
Date Format Pattern (pattern)
Defines the pattern to use to format the date. Specify a pattern that conforms to the pattern definition from the SimpleDateFormat Javadocs. The default is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm.
Default Value (defaultValue)
Defines the value to initially display in the Date property editor when the Property Value (value) has no value. Specify a String value; the string does not have to match the pattern specified by the Date Format Pattern (pattern) property. For example, you might use Please enter a date. If this property and the Property Value (value) property have no value, the input text field of the Date property editor will be empty.
Allow Manual Entry (allowManual)
Indicates whether the end user can type a date in the input field or must use the calendar popup to select a date. Specify one of the following:
Default. The end user can type a date in the input field.
The end user cannot type a date in the input field; the end user must select the date using the calendar popup.
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