Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Item Editing Tools : Dynamic Business Object Viewer Portlet
Dynamic Business Object Viewer Portlet
Portlet Title
Dynamic Business Object Viewer
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
System. Page developers use this portlet to render a custom user interface for dynamic business object (DBO) instances on a My webMethods Server page. Using this portlet is a limited and deprecated way to provide a custom user interfaces for custom types (xtypes).
The four base types of DBOs are: Folders, Forms, Content (Files), and Links. When an instance of one of these base types or one of their xtypes is dropped onto a page (folder), by default, My webMethods Server uses a default renderer for the instance. However, some xtypes might provide a custom user interface. Use this Dynamic Business Object Viewer portlet to initiate the custom user interface.
DBO Instance (xthing)
Required. Identifies the xtype instance to display. Specify the URI of the xtype. All instances of the portlet share the value of this property.
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