Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : My webMethods Server Portlet Reference : Dynamic Business Objects : My webMethods Folder DBO
My webMethods Folder DBO
Portlet Title
My webMethods Folder
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
There are hundreds of these folders inside the My webMethods Applications Taxonomy, depending on how many "Fabric UIs" are deployed (for example, Broker, Monitor, Optimize, and so on.)
Dynamic Business Objects. Page developers use this dynamic business object to provide additional data to folders such as whether it is an "isTaskFolder".
One special behavior of this folder is that whenever a child folder is created that child is automatically converted from type folder to type "wm_xt_fabricfolder".
The Main Nav Portlet pays special attention to folders of type "wm_xt_fabricfolder". If a Fabric Nav portlet is showing navigation to folders of type "wm_xt_fabricfolder", it will only draw links if the isTaskFolder property is set to true.
Additionally, whenever a "wm_xt_fabricfolder" is created, if it has the "isTaskFolder" property set to true, it will automatically generate a Security Realm and add itself to that Security Realm.
Is Openable (isOpenable)
Provides a true/false flag to indicate whether this folder is openable when displayed in the LHS navigation tree. If set to true, the folder will open as a new tab when clicked. If set to false, it will act as a simple container node in the LHS and will only expand/contract. If this property has no value, it defaults to true.
Is Task Folder (isTaskFolder)
Determines whether or not this Fabric Folder should generate a Security Realm on creation and whether or not the Main Nav Portlet should be allowed to show this folder in its navigation. If this property has no value, the property defaults to false and this folder acts as a regular, basic folder.
Required Products (requiredProducts)
Keywords (keywords)
Provides a keywords list assigned to this object. This property can be used for searches in the My webMethods Server taxonomy. If this property has no value, no keywords will be displayed for this object.
Parent Folder (parentID)
Required. Used during publishing through the Publish portlet. It defines the parent folder ID where this object is stored.
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