Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : webMethods CAF and OpenCAF Development Help : Working with CAF Events and Notifications : Creating a Subscription
Creating a Subscription
Configuring the Default Subscription View
You cannot create a subscription without a notification and you can only create one subscription for a notification.
After you create a notification, you can create a subscription for the notification. When you create a subscription, you specify the conditions for the subscription to be used with the notification.
To create a subscription
1. Open the CAF Events Editor as described in Creating a Custom CAF Event.
2. In the CAF Events Editor, click the Subscriptions tab.
3. Click Add.
4. In the Add New Subscription wizard, type a name in the Subscription Name text box.
5. (Optional) Type a description in the Subscription Description text box.
6. In the Notification drop-down list, select a notification, then do one of the following:.
*Click Next and follow the instructions in the wizard to customize the subscription view locations and name, managed bean name, managed bean scope, and Java attributes.
*Click Finish to accept the remaining configuration parameters as defaults.
7. Save your changes.
8. After you click Finish, the wizard creates a subscription bean and a subscription provider, and opens a template subscription view in the editor. You can customize this view to your own needs, as described in Configuring the Default Subscription View. The view contains these components:
Displayed Text
Control and Description
Formatted Messages. Displays error messages with a Details button to toggle a display of error contents.
Subscription for Custom CAF Event
Property Group. Provides a label field for the subscription and contains controls for the subscription.
Property Line. Contains the Text Output control.
Text Output. Contains a binding expression to the subscription provider in the managed bean.
No text displayed
Submit group. Contains the subscribe/unsubscribe buttons.
Async Command Button. Subscribes to the subscription.
Async Command Button. Unsubscribes from the subscription.
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