Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : webMethods Application Platform User’s Guide : Developing with Application Platform in Designer : About Viewing Dependency Graphs : Using the Visual Navigator : Visual Navigator Keyboard Shortcuts
Visual Navigator Keyboard Shortcuts
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts in the Visual Navigator view:
Keyboard Shortcut
Ctrl + -
Zoom out.
Ctrl + =
Zoom in.
Left Arrow
Move the view port to the left.
Up Arrow
Move the view port up.
Down Arrow
Move the view port down.
Right Arrow
Move the view port to the right.
Ctrl + Left Arrow
Reposition the view port to the left with the width of the view port.
Ctrl + Right Arrow
Reposition the view port to the right with the width of the view port.
Ctrl + Down Arrow
Reposition the view port down with the width of the view port.
Ctrl + Up Arrow
Reposition the view port up with the width of the view port.
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