Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : webMethods Application Platform User’s Guide : Developing with Application Platform in Designer : About Creating Application Platform Projects : Selecting Project Facets
Selecting Project Facets
Application Platform project wizards utilize project facets to capture additional configuration required for publishing projects to the server. In the Project Facets wizard page you can view a list of all project facets registered in Designer. When you select a project facet, it performs validation for its specific requirements. For example, you must first select the Application Platform Core and Java facets before selecting any other Application Platform facets.
Some project facets have their own wizard pages that supports additional configuration. The order and number of wizard pages displayed in Designer will vary based on the selected project facets.
To select Application Platform project facets
1. In the Project Explorer view of the App Platform perspective, right-click your project and then click Properties.
2. In the Properties dialog box click Project Facets.
Designer lists the available facets for the selected project, together with the facet version numbers.
3. Select the check boxes next to the facets you want to add to your project.
4. Click Apply, and then click OK.
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