Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : webMethods Application Platform User’s Guide : Developing with Application Platform in Designer : Managing Servers : Configuring My webMethods Server for Application Platform Projects : Configuring Launch Configuration Settings for My webMethods Server : Configuring Common My webMethods Server Settings
Configuring Common My webMethods Server Settings
On the Common tab of the launch configuration properties for My webMethods Server, you can define the general settings of the launch configuration.
To define common launch configuration settings for My webMethods Server
1. In Designer, go to the Servers view and double-click the My webMethods Server you want to configure.
2. In the General Information, section click Open Launch Configuration.
3. In the Edit Configuration dialog box, click the Common tab.
4. Set the physical location where the launch will be saved by selecting one of the following:
Select this option...
Local file
Default. Save the launch file in the local workspace metadata.
Shared file
Move the launch file to a custom location in the workspace. Use to share the launch configuration using a version control system.
5. In the Display in favorites menu field, select one or more menus where you want your launch configuration to appear.
6. Set the encoding you want to use for the launch configuration by selecting one of the following:
Select this option...
Default - inherited (Cp1252)
Default. Use the default encoding.
To select from the supported encoding standards:
*ISO-8859-1 - Default.
7. Define where to provide input and output data by using the following:
Select this check box...
Allocate console (necessary for input)
Select the check box to allocate a separate console in Designer. Clear the check box if you do not require a separate console for the input data.
Default: check box is selected.
Input File
Select the check box to specify an input file, in which you can configure the launch configuration. Clear the check box if you do not require an input file to configure the launch configuration.
Default: check box is cleared.
Output File
Select the check box to specify an output file, in which you can configure the launch configuration. Clear the check box if you do not require an output file to configure the launch configuration.
Default: check box is cleared.
Select the check box to append newly added launch configuration data to the output file.Clear the check box to have new data that you add to the output file override the existing configurations.
Default: check box is cleared.
You can select this check box only when Output File is selected.
8. Use the Launch in background check box to set background launching.
If this check box is selected, Designer launches the configuration in the background, with a separate job. If this check box is cleared, you will not be able to use Designer until the launch operation is complete. Default: check box is selected.
9. Click Apply, and then click OK.
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