Creating a New Business Console Gadget
In the UI Development perspective, you can create gadgets in a portlet application project or a web application project in one of the following views:
Solutions view
Navigator view
Package Explorer view
After you complete the gadget design, publish the web and portlet application projects containing the new gadgets to My webMethods Server for re-use.
For information about creating a portlet or web application project, see
Creating a Portlet Application
Project and
Creating a Web Application Project respectively. For more information about publishing a web or portlet application, see
Publishing an Application to
My webMethods Server.
You need JavaScript knowledge for programming gadgets.
To create a new gadget
1. Select the UI Development perspective.
2. Select the web or portlet application project where you want to create a new gadget, and start the New Business Console Gadget wizard in one of the following ways:
In the Solutions view, expand
User Interfaces, right-click on the project where you want to create a new gadget, and select
New Business Console Gadget.
In the Navigator view or Package Explorer view, right-click on the project where you want to create a new gadget, and select
New > Other > Software AG > UI Development > New Business Console Gadget.
3. In the New Business Console Gadget wizard, provide the specification for the new gadget. For information about what values to specify for the new gadget, see New Business Console Gadget Wizard. The New Business Console Gadget wizard creates the configuration files and definition file for the new gadget. For information about the configuration files and definition file for a gadget, see
Gadget Configuration Files and
Gadget Definition File.
4. Configure and customize the gadget.
a. Program the gadget depending on the gadget type by doing one of the following:
To create a gadget without using any pre-defined templates, edit the custom.js file.
To create a gadget using the AngularJS framework, edit the controller.js and custom.js files.
b. In the Scripts and Styles folders for the gadget, create a script file and style file, respectively.
c. Provide the gadget details on the Gadget Definition Editor tab. To view the Gadget Definition Editor tab, do one of the following:
In the Solutions view, double-click the gadget.
In the Navigator view or Package Explorer view, double-click the gadgetDefinition.xml file corresponding to the gadget in the
gadgetName_gadgetID folder.
For information about the details to specify, see
Gadget Definition Editor.