Note: | Creation of a new portlet view is subject to the UI Development preference Prefer JSF 2.x xhtml Facelet Templates for New Pages. For more information, see Enabling the JSF Facelets Functionality for
New Projects and Views. It is possible to override this preference as described in the following procedure. |
Note: | If you type the file name only, without a file name extension, the view file will be created according to the setting of the Prefer JSF 2.x xhtml Facelet Templates for New Pages preference. That is, either as a .view file or as a .xhtml file. However, if you type the file name with either a .view or .xhtml file name extension, the view file will be created as specified, regardless of the preference setting. |
Template | Description |
Form | (Default) Creates a basic view with a Formatted Message control and a JSF command form. You can modify the view to your desired implementation. |
Empty | Creates a basic view with no components other than a View Root control. You can modify the view to your desired implementation. |
Search Bar | Creates a predefined view for use in developing a search bar portlet. Contains user interface elements that enable the user to enter search criteria, set options, and save searches. |
Task Notification | Creates a task notification view. This is generally selected when you are working with a task application project. For more information, see the webMethods BPM Task Development Help. |