Universal Messaging 10.5 | Migrating webMethods Broker to Software AG Universal Messaging Documentation | Migrating from webMethods Broker to Universal Messaging Guide | Performing Post-Migration Configuration | Integration Server Configuration | Configure a JMS Connection Alias | Create a JMS Connection Alias
Create a JMS Connection Alias
Integration Server uses a JMS connection alias to send messages to and receive messages from the JMS provider.
*To create a JMS connection alias
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator, if it is not already open.
2. In the Settings menu of the Navigation panel, click Messaging.
3. Under JMS Configuration, click JMS Settings.
4. Click Create JMS Connection Alias.
5. Set the following General Settings for the JMS connection alias:
For this field...
Connection Alias Name
Name of the connection alias. Each connection alias represents a connection factory to a specific JMS provider.
A description of the JMS connection alias.
Transaction Type
Whether sessions that use this JMS connection alias will be transacted.
Indicate that sessions that use this JMS connection alias are not transacted.
Indicate that sessions that use this JMS connection alias are part of a local transaction.
Indicate that sessions that use this JMS connection alias are part of an XA transaction.
Connection Client ID
The JMS client identifier associated with the connections established by this JMS connection alias.
6. In the Create Connection Using list, select JNDI Lookup.
7. Do the following in the remaining fields under Connection Protocol Settings:
For this field...
JNDI Provider Alias Name
The alias to the JNDI provider that you want this JMS connection alias to use to look up administered objects. For information about creating a JNDI provider alias, see Create a JNDI Provider Alias.
Connection Factory Lookup Name
The lookup name for the connection factory that you want to use to create a connection to the JMS provider specified in this JMS connection alias.
Specify the Universal Messaging connection factory that you created when you set up your Universal Messaging environment or when migrated from Broker using the JNDI migration script.
Polling Interval (minutes)
The number of minutes between polling attempts. The polling interval must be a positive integer. The default value is 60 minutes.
This field is only available if you selected Poll for changes (specify interval).
8. Under Advanced Settings, Producer Caching, and Producer Retry, specify the information for the JMS connection alias. For more information about configuring the advanced settings, producer caching, and producer retry for the JMS connection alias, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
9. Click Save Changes.