Configure Process Engine to use Universal Messaging as JMS Provider
1. Make sure the PE_NONTRANSACTIONAL_ALIAS JMS connection alias specifies the Universal Messaging server as the JMS provider.
2. In Universal Messaging Enterprise Manager, do the following:
a. Create a new connection factory.
Do not perform steps b and c if you are using Universal Messaging 9.5.1 and later.
b. Create these topics:
PEBroadcastTopic (the topic that the broadcast trigger listens on)
PERestartTopic (the topic that the restart trigger listens on)
c. Update the security settings for the new connection factory and topics.
3. Ensure that the PE_NONTRANSACTIONAL_ALIAS JMS connection specifies the Universal Messaging server as the JMS provider.
4. Enable the PE_NONTRANSACTIONAL_ALIAS connection.
5. Set watt.prt.suppressCorrelationRetry property to true.
6. Reload WmPRT package in Integration Server.