Universal Messaging 10.5 | Migrating webMethods Broker to Software AG Universal Messaging Documentation | Migrating from webMethods Broker to Universal Messaging Guide | Performing Post-Migration Configuration | Optimize Configuration | Add Universal Messaging Assets for Discovery
Add Universal Messaging Assets for Discovery
*To add Universal Messaging assets for discovery
1. In My webMethods: Navigate > Applications > Administration > Analytics > Infrastructure Components > Discovery
2. On the Discovery page, click Add Asset.
3. In the Add Asset Discovery dialog, click the Down arrow to the right of the Asset Type field, and select the discovery type.
If you add an asset to your system or start an existing asset that was previously not running, you may need to refresh the Add Asset Discovery dialog in order for that asset to be displayed in the Asset Type list.
The fields on the Add Asset Discovery dialog change to match those required by the selected discovery type.
4. Complete the fields on the Add Asset Discovery dialog.
*Data Collector
Select the Infrastructure Data Collector to use for the discovery.
Enter the host name or IP address for the discovery. The name must be unique.
*Server Port
Enter the server port number for the discovery.
Enter the User ID needed to log in to the asset.
Enter the protocol used to connect to the Universal Messaging server being discovered. Supported protocols are nsp, nsps, nhp, and nhps. The default is nsp.
To monitor a Universal Messaging server with SSL, select nsps as the protocol. Note that when using SSL, the Universal Messaging server must be configured to support SSL, and the Infrastructure Data Collector must be configured to use the appropriate key and truststores using the JNDI Configuration setting on the Configure Servers tab of the My webMethods Define Environments page.
For more information about JNDI configuration, see the webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide guide.
Client Authentication
Select the client authentication type appropriate for the Universal Messaging server being discovered. Currently, the only available option is “None”.
5. Click OK to add the specified asset, or click Cancel if you want to cancel the procedure without adding the discovery.
6. Click Refresh to update the information on the Discovery page.