Run the brokerjndimigration Script
1. On the machine that hosts the target Universal Messaging server, go to the Universal Messaging_directory/tools/migrate directory and run the brokerjndimigration script.
2. The script prompts: Enter Broker JNDI Provider URL
Enter the URL of the source Broker from which you want to migrate the JNDI assets to the target JNDI provider.
3. The script prompts: Enter Target JNDI Provider URL
Enter the URL of the target Universal Messaging server. Specify the fully qualified name or IP address of the host machine.
The JNDI migration script runs and writes information to the brokerjndimigrationout.txt log file and the brokerjndimigrationerr.txt error log file.
4. The script prompts: Do you want to continue. Enter yes/no
Type yes to continue migration. Type no to re-enter the target JNDI provider URL.
If you use localhost or localhost_ip_address as JNDI provider URL, only local clients can connect. If you are using a remote Broker, enter a valid JNDI provider URL.
Enter Broker JNDI Provider URL
wmjmsnaming://Broker #1@localhost:6849
Enter Target JNDI Provider URL
Recommended URL format: nsp://umserverhost:9000 or nsp://umserverip:9000
If you use localhost or localhost_ip_address, only the local clients can
Do you want to continue with the localhost/localhost_ip_address? Enter yes/no