A cache is a small fast memory holding recently accessed data, designed to speed up subsequent access to the same data.
Terracotta Ehcache is a standards-based caching API that enables applications to fetch frequently used data from an in-memory cache rather than having to retrieve it from a database or other back-end system.
Trading Networks uses the caching capabilities of Terracotta Ehcache to provide:
Asset caching. Trading Networks uses
Terracotta Ehcache to cache assets. While the assets are in cache,
Trading Networks can quickly retrieve them for similar requests, rather than getting the details from
Trading Networks database. For more information about asset caching, see
Asset Caching.
Query results caching. Trading Networks uses
Terracotta Ehcache to store the results of a database query. It stores the number of rows you specify in a session object on the host
Integration Server and stores the remaining rows in
Terracotta Ehcache. For more information about query results caching, see
Query Results Caching.
For an introduction to Terracotta Ehcache and information for sizing Trading Networks system caches, see Using BigMemory with webMethods Products.