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Used as input to the searchTasks operation. The elements defined here are also present in TaskSearchQueryV2.
Boolean Optional. Exclude tasks that are accepted by a user other than the user ID used in the search. Default is false.
Integer Optional. The maximum number of tasks to return in the result set. If MaxResults is not specified, all results in the result set are returned.
This element does not apply to tasks with an indexed search provider. In this case, the specified value is ignored.
Boolean Optional. This field can be used when executing queries to fetch tasks from a user's inbox. This parameter is meant to override the default behavior of the searchUserTasks parameter and allow the return of non-active tasks.
Set to:
*true to return non-active tasks.
*false (default) to return active tasks only.
For example, by specifying searchUserTasks =true and showNonActiveTasks =true, the query returns all non-active tasks from a user's inbox (that is, those tasks already completed by user).
The showNonActiveTasks parameter has no impact on non-user task searches. To construct a non-user task search to return only active tasks, you must set query terms of searchUserTasks =false and status =active.
TaskSearchQueryTerm[] Specifies the TaskSearchQueryTerm object that contains an array of TaskSearchQueryTerm objects that specify the query criteria for the search. See TaskSearchQueryTerm for a description of the fields in this object.
When a search is performed, the criteria specified by the TaskSearchQueryTerm objects in terms are combined using the logical "AND" operator. Only tasks that satisfy the terms specified by all TaskSearchQueryTerm objects in the terms array are returned in the result set.
Usage Notes
The showNonActiveTasks parameter overrides the default behavior of the userTasks parameter in any web service where that parameter occurs, such as:
* countTasksIndexed
* searchTasks
* searchTasksIndexed